The Evolution of Community-Based Healthcare
The concept of community-based care is not a novel one. We’ve heard it for years: healthcare is local. More recently however, constituents across the healthca... Read more.

Video: Unlocking Secrets to Successful RCM Payer-Provider Navigation and Alignment
Payers and providers experience friction and negative financial impacts resulting from waste across the healthcare system. Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) vendor... Read more.

Video: Is the Friction Fading? How Innovators are Influencing Prior Authorization
Prior authorizations are a distinct pain point in the healthcare industry and a source of friction with payers, providers, and patients. In the second video ofÂ... Read more.

Three Themes Shaping the Industry… and the Discussions at RISE Nashville
As a kickoff to spring, the healthcare conference circuit makes its next stop in Nashville this week to discuss and address the evolving nature of the industryâ... Read more.

Video: RCM and Perspectives on Healthcare Payments
The Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) process is complex. With multiple constituencies, complicated payment processes, accelerating patient pay dynamics, and other... Read more.

The Next Generation of Risk Adjustment Capabilities
The concept of risk adjusted reimbursement and other value-based payments have been core areas of focus for TripleTree for many years. In addition to cont... Read more.

Looking Ahead: Technology Developments in the Areas of Risk and Quality
TripleTree rounded out the healthcare conference circuit in Nashville earlier this month with the 11th Annual RISE Summit. The town was buzzing with ... Read more.

Risk, Quality and Value-Based Payments: Looking Ahead to RISE Nashville
The latest stop on the healthcare conference circuit is Nashville, Tennessee, as many innovators, investors and leaders converge to address the industry’s mos... Read more.